Danielle Brown, (@healthygirlkitchen), 9.3M+ Followers

Danielle Brown, (@healthygirlkitchen), 9.3M+ Followers

Danielle Brown is the top plant based created on social media as well as a certified holistic health coach, lifestyle influencer, and the face behind HealthyGirl Kitchen. She shares easy, delicious, trendy plant-based recipes, meal ideas, kitchen tips and tricks, wellness hacks, and healthy lifestyle inspiration with her 9.3 million social media followers.

She is in the top five most-followed vegan creators on TikTok. Danielle’s viral social media content has caught the attention of Business Insider, Elite Daily, PopSugar, BuzzFeed, VegNews, and more!

The Digital Renegades

 Chef Darian Bryan

Chef Darian, is a Jamaican chef bringing the heat to Buffalo, NY. He has been featured on Food Network, CBS News, ESPN, The Jamaican Observer,