Ayat Sleymann (@momnutritionist), MS, RDN, 622K+ Followers
Ayat is a mom, Registered Dietitian (RD), content creator, and blog writer. Ayat’s mission is to inspire moms to prioritize their health through nutrition, self-care, and personal growth despite
Cassandra Lepore, MS, RD, 127k Followers
Cassandra is a registered dietitian (RD) advocating for sustainable and straightforward nutritional advice that’s easily accessible to everyone, while debunking common nutrition myths shared across
Danielle Brown, (@healthygirlkitchen), 9.3M+ Followers
Danielle Brown is the top plant based created on social media as well as a certified holistic health coach, lifestyle influencer, and the face behind
Dr. Terry Simpson (@drterrysimpson), 909K+ Followers
With more than 890,000 followers on TikTok, Dr. Simpson is a trusted source for all things food, weight loss and medicine. Dr. Simpson, a weight
Ilana Muhlstein, MS, RDN (@nutritionbabe), 2.7M Followers
Ilana Muhlstein, MS, RDN, (@nutritionbabe with 2.7 million total followers) is a dietitian, nutritionist, bestselling author, mother of three, and a highly sought-after global health
Jess Hoffman (@choosingchia) 468k followers
Jessica Hoffman is a passionate advocate for healthy living and the creative force behind Choosing Chia. With a rich background in yoga and Ayurveda, she
Samar Kullab MS RDN, (@chicago.dietitian), 857K+ Followers
Samar Kullab is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and an influential content creator with a dedicated following of over 800,000 across various social media platforms. Her